Quote Originally Posted by wolff supra21v View Post
Right now i am sitting around $325,000.00 with labor, fuel, and equipment repair. (This does not include my labor or my brother's labor throughout the project.)(also a lot of cheap labor i had 4 Nephew's from the age 14-25 that help and I got away with paying $10 to $15 an hour cash.) and the first summer a lot of friends help for free but that only happen one summer.
Fuel was a big cost and i was way under budget I planned on $4.00 a gallon diesel and i would bet we average around $1.80 a gallon.
We broke the dam August 4th 2016 and we started to key the new Dam August 29 2020 and finished the dam 100% January 1 2021.
Other factors
I spent $200,000 on equipment that if I sale right now with the market I could get more than I paid for it. (so i feel like i am ahead on equipment)
I will sale $50,000 worth of equipment and keep the rest for a few years to clean up around the place more and i also have two more ponds to rework for a friend and a brother that will be paying jobs.

On top of that I got lucky this year and Sold About $100,000 worth of dirt. The company that bought the dirt wants the same amount next year and the following year. (But this will be questionable it going to a existing pipeline)I am hoping everything the government is doing doesn't effect this. They are trucking the dirt further than planed because the dirt is good. But they are worried about fuel prices next year. (This is not guaranteed if this falls through i will sale roughly $15,000 worth of dirt each year the next 20 years.

One of the biggest thing I learned on this project was It is a lot easier and cheaper up front to build a new lake then clean out an old lake. But by stock pilling all the Silt (black dirt) the lake has a potential of being paid for from the sale of the dirt.
Thanks for the info, that's really not all that bad all things considered.
Hell some folks are paying that for the boat to go in the lake!