So i met with my dealer yesterday and we are going to get a Craz ordered. There are 2 options i was planing on ordering but my sales guys kind of said he would not order them and save the money which surprised me.

GPS cruise control. He said it is ok but that the oem cruise is really pretty good and if he was going to spend money on a cruise control he thought that perfect pass is better. Any thoughts on this? We use our oem cruise control on our 13 year old LSV for surfing mainly and it works pretty good. I'm sure the new oem is even better. Is the gps option worth $800?

Surf pipe. Surprisingly he said he doesn't think it quiets down the noise a ton ( a little, but not a huge difference) and he said it throws a little rooster tail when skiing. We don't have one on our boat now and have never thought it was that big of a problem surfing. Everyone once in a while you smell a little exhaust but it's not bad without it. I was totally planning on getting it but now i'm not sure. Your thoughts?