Hey guys,

I'm looking to get my father a new ski rope for his birthday, but I don't know anything about slalom. I am big into wake boarding so I know all about the ropes we use, but could use yall's help a bit. My dad's a recreational skier, he doesn't really ever hit the course but he does ski a competition ski and skies around 34-36 mph. I've never really seen him shorten a rope that much and he's only ever skied with the straight 11"-12" handle.

His current rope is a piece of crap rope from walmart, so I want to get him a quality rope, but I can't break the bank. I'm looking at spending around $60 for a rope and handle. I've seen the straight line ropes and galidator ropes on overtons, and someone also suggested masterline. Do yall have any suggestions on which ones would be good for him? Thanks for the help!
