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  1. #71
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Katy, TX

    Default The Affordable Boat Act

    I'm not belittling but if you are an adult working minimum wage at Walmart trying to support a family you have obviously made some bad and probably down right stupid decisions at some point that put you there. Minimum wage IMO is for people who just got there first job or put themselves there due to poor decision making. I got minimum wage in high school working at spring creek BBQ, within 6 months I had found more money and a better job at best buy. I was off minimum wage before my senior year of high school started.

    I guess it's sad but it's not always enough to work hard, you have to make decision too. If you are smart and willing to make some sacrifices there is not reason why you can pull yourself up into the middle class IMO

    Sent from my iPhone

    2017 Moomba Mojo Max Surf Edition, 2 Pair Wetsounds Rev10s powered by an SD2, 6 pair Wetsounds XS650M and Wetsounds XS12 powered by SD6 all controlled by a WS420. 2 Lumitec SeaBlaze X2 Spectrum underwater lights

    SOLD***2008 Mobius LSV, Gravity III , Wake Plate, Z5, Exile SX65c's, Exile XM9s, Exile XI12D, Exile Javelin, Exile 30.2***SOLD

  2. #72
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Henderson, NV


    I would disagree. I have worked with a lot of people over the years in retail stores that are working for less than $8/hr. many have worked hard and risen to better jobs, but there are some that, simply put, don't have the ability to move beyond that basic entry level job. I really hated to type that but look around any blue collar industry and you will find many in the entry level ranks that will move up and succeed and always a few that their calling in life is that entry level job and don't have the skillset or ability to move beyond that. fact of the matter is we need that job filled and those end up offering some stability to the entry workforce.

    I have issues with those maintaining minimum wage jobs, unable to supply for their family and yet they still keep having kids subsidized by taxpayers that have no choice in the matter. if you can't afford them, you shouldn't have them.
    '06 Supra Launch 20SSV-gone but never forgotten

  3. #73
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


    I agree with you Sandm. I have a saying that you don't get pick where you are born and the circumstances that surround that. Not everyone is born with the same intelligence or family circumstance to succeed. What if you were born in poverty stricken Africa? It is too easy to criticize or look down on others. In this latest economic downturn, many skilled intelligent people were out of work and forced into lower paying jobs. Many areas within the U.S. have very high unemployment rates and people are just happy to have a job. I too hated to post to this but felt I needed to give my perspective on this.
    2008 Moomba Mobius LSV Ballast III (stock), Heater, Roswell Quad Spin Pro, Bimini

  4. #74
    Join Date
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    Tallahassee, FL


    Historically, if you were willing to make sacrifices and work hard in this country you at least had the opportunity to get yourself and your family ahead. Most of the problem now is that we allow (maybe even teach) people that they don't have to make any sacrifices to get ahead. They deserve not just food and shelter but cell phones and cable and flat panel TV's and new cars. They also deserve alcohol, cigarettes, tatoos, etc. just like everyone else does. Even now if you watch those fortunate enough to be born in this country vs. immigrants who don't or barely speak the language, I'll put my money on the immigrants. They already know what it's like to sacrifice and have NO opportunity. Give them the opportunity and they will make sacrifices until they are successful. Do you know why there are so many successful Chinese laundries, Greek restaurants, Indian 7-11's, etc. Those people seized the opportunity while making personal sacrifices to build something. They also worked incredibly hard. Don't ask me to feel sorry for able bodied poor in this country. That's how my family started too. If you need charity, don't ask this US Govt, go to your church. Oh, that's right, churches are evil and mean to gay people. Sorry. I think FDR created the notion that government is one big fat charity. Well, I have news for you. It can't be. It won't work. We need to separate church and state, including the charity part that everyone loves to ignore. If we all got back to the place where we stopped trying to take everybody else's dollar and committed ourselves to making our own dollar we would all be fine.
    My Mom said I'm not allowed to get wet!
    2008 LSV (sold)
    2000 Outback LS (sold)

  5. #75
    Join Date
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    Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


    I am in total agreement with your viewpoint Kane when it comes to government handouts and that the problem needs to be addressed. I just wanted to point out that there are hard working people who are having a tough time out there. We shouldn't look at people making minimum wage as being lazy or not hard working individuals.
    2008 Moomba Mobius LSV Ballast III (stock), Heater, Roswell Quad Spin Pro, Bimini

  6. #76
    Join Date
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    Tallahassee, FL


    I think I delineated a difference between those who are willing to work hard and those who have NO IDEA what that really means.
    My Mom said I'm not allowed to get wet!
    2008 LSV (sold)
    2000 Outback LS (sold)

  7. #77
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Snellville, GA & Lake Sinclair

    Default The Affordable Boat Act

    Quote Originally Posted by drb59 View Post
    What if you were born in poverty stricken Africa?.
    That could just as easily read, "Alabama."

    There are plenty of small towns in America that have seen their key economic centers/drivers exported to other countries leaving them the choice of staying in their hometown, taking whatever pay they can get or moving in hopes of finding a better future.

  8. #78
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Katy, TX

    Default The Affordable Boat Act

    I just don't have much sympathy for people who are so unwilling to relocate that they would rather stay out and be poor over move and make a living. Then they cry about how there is no work. If anyone knows someone who needs a job send them to south Louisiana, drilling companies and service companies are hiring, as long as you can pass a physical and a drug test you can find a job offshore. Heck roustabouts who pretty much mop and move stuff around make 50k and that job requires NO skill, just a willingness to work.

    I admit that I would be in a world of hurt if the world suddenly ran out of oil, I would be out of a job then but I would do what it takes to survive. If that required moving somewhere that had work where Heidi could also get a job then that's what we would have to do. I wouldn't just sit around expecting a handout.

    Sent from my iPhone

    2017 Moomba Mojo Max Surf Edition, 2 Pair Wetsounds Rev10s powered by an SD2, 6 pair Wetsounds XS650M and Wetsounds XS12 powered by SD6 all controlled by a WS420. 2 Lumitec SeaBlaze X2 Spectrum underwater lights

    SOLD***2008 Mobius LSV, Gravity III , Wake Plate, Z5, Exile SX65c's, Exile XM9s, Exile XI12D, Exile Javelin, Exile 30.2***SOLD

  9. #79
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Tallahassee, FL


    My Mom said I'm not allowed to get wet!
    2008 LSV (sold)
    2000 Outback LS (sold)

  10. #80
    Join Date
    Dec 2013


    I'm touring the community and I found this very interesting stuff. I just love the exchange of ideas.

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