maybe it's the age thing, but I don't for the life of me understand surfing without a lifejacket. I know I've had a couple close calls falling with the board. all it takes is once for it to pop you in the head. I don't know the laws in WI(yet), but in ID, behind a boat? no jacket? instant ticket and long lecture from the po-po while they look for more tickets. I know I don't want my liability insurance paying off a drowning. I don't understand the comp vest thing either. if you're going to wear it, make it float ya. I have heard "true lifevests are too constrictive" from the same guys that all they can do is go wake to wake, but I guess at least it's something...

ok off soapbox and back on track..

@ clarkely- you want 300lb guys for ballast. although nice for scenery, she's not doing much for that wave