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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Vancouver, WA


    We are headed out again tonight so I will let you know how it goes.

    For now the teeny bopper is banned from driving anything for another year so no worries - I have no problem putting the smack down on them and probably enjoy it a little more than I should. It's the one I lay next to at night that could kill me in my sleep I have to be a little more careful with.
    So when is this "old enough to know better" supposed to kick in?

    2001 MobiusV - Slightly Modified...

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Snellville, GA & Lake Sinclair


    It normally comes down to money and/or the nooky.

    I'm just in a surly mood today, so take all my advice and FORGET it! The kids started school today and it put me in a bad mood. Really, it's quite a depression. Not just because summer is over, but becasue I start counting down the few remaingin ones I have with them. While my oldest is still "just" in middle school, the reality is that she is mine for only 5 more summers, at best. Those thoghts make me feel old. And grouchy.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    Somebody already took my answer, have kids and teach them. My son has been my preferred driver since he was 13. My daughter who is 13 now is an excellent driver. They both have obviously paid attention while I was driving, they point out when others on the lake are doing something stupid.

    But they HATE when my wife/their mother is in the boat with them. They will do the exact correct thing, just as I taught them, and when they circle back around to pick me up they are getting an earful from her on what they are doing wrong (which is wrong by the way).

    I have yet to figure out how to instruct my wife on how do change anything she does with the boat. She basically lets me do all the driving, but never holds back telling me when I am doing something that she considers to be wrong.

    Have you ever seen a guy and two kids roll their eyes at the same time?


  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Snellville, GA & Lake Sinclair


    Quote Originally Posted by turnipgreen View Post
    Have you ever seen a guy and two kids roll their eyes at the same time?
    Yes, about 14 times this past weekend. It doesn't help when the 4 yr old little bro' catches us all and busts out laughing, thereby cluing Momma in to what just happened.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Vancouver, WA


    Quote Originally Posted by wolfeman131 View Post
    It normally comes down to money and/or the nooky.
    Isn't that always the motivation?

    Quote Originally Posted by wolfeman131 View Post
    The kids started school today and it put me in a bad mood. Really, it's quite a depression.
    Seriously? Wow - now that's early. We don't start until after Labor day and by then I'm sorta looking forward to it. But then everything kicks in again - soccer, dance, piano, cub scouts, homework, blah blah blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    I know what you mean about counting the days. Out here we get 2-3 months of summer weather for boating at best. I'm going on 39 this year so if I figure I can do this another 20 years, in reality that is only around 3-5 years of actual water time. Depressing to say the least.
    So when is this "old enough to know better" supposed to kick in?

    2001 MobiusV - Slightly Modified...

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Tallahassee, FL


    We start in 2 weeks. I like it better when they are in school-- most of the time.
    My Mom said I'm not allowed to get wet!
    2008 LSV (sold)
    2000 Outback LS (sold)

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Vancouver, WA


    Have faith Drew - the 19yr old which used to drive me nuts a few years ago and I couldn't wait to ship her off is actually pretty fun to hang around again. And rather than being too busy for us, she now is asking what we're doing or have going on because she WANTS to be involved. Whether it's hanging out on the patio by the tiki torches, in the garage tinkering around with boat stuff, going camping, you name it. She doesn't want to miss out. Funny how that changes.
    So when is this "old enough to know better" supposed to kick in?

    2001 MobiusV - Slightly Modified...

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Durham, NC


    I'm taking a guess and saying that the significant others that are bad drivers don't wakeboard themselves? I think that makes a world of difference. Once someone has experienced a crappy pull from a bad driver, they learn to appreciate good driving, and become aware that there is good and bad driving. My wife, who slaloms, wakeboards, and wakesurfs; is getting pretty good, but she is still nervous driving, mostly about shallow water and driving around other boats.

    Honestly, it really surprises me that so many people have trouble driving a boat. To me, it is much easier than driving a car. Hell, there are bascially no speed limits and no lanes to stay in. I know a few guys that own wakeboats (nicer than mine) that are not great drivers. I know one guy that is so bad, I won't ride behind his boat any more.

    So familiarity with the sport makes a driver be better about speed consistency, driving in straight lines, and not power turning. I have never met a rider that LIKES inconsistent speed, riding in curves, and riding in rough water over rollers (except d-ups). I think for the shallow water, that is a tough one. I have tried to explain to my wife that unless the depth finder reads less that 2 feet, then we are okay, and not to panic about it. And in most bodies of water, for that to be an issue, the boat would have to be so close to the shore that the rider can't cut out on that side.

    As for the other boats, this is tricky. I have tried to explain to her that the best way to drive a boat, is know the rules and follow them confidently. Of course, knowing the rules can be tough. You might suggest that you both take a boater safety course TOGHETHER. There are to many people out that sort of know the rules, but don't stick to their guns about it. For example, staying to the right, easy rule, but if my wife is driving towards another boat (head on) and they don't acknowledge her going to the right a quarter mile out, she starts to panic and turn to pass them on the other side, then I get po'd and both drivers get confused. This is how boats collide and people get killed. So I try to tell my wife to forget what the other idots are doing and do what you know to be right. At least that way if there is a collision, then the other boat is a fault.

    Sorry for the long response, but the short answer is, I don't really know, I haven't been terribly successful. Stay calm, have patience, and try to use lots of "I" statements. You know, "I prefer to get pulled in a straight a line as possible." Not, "Why can't YOU drive in a straight line!"

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Land O Lakes, Florida


    Quote Originally Posted by wolfeman131 View Post
    . While my oldest is still "just" in middle school, the reality is that she is mine for only 5 more summers, at best. Those thoghts make me feel old. And grouchy.
    I feel that pain too.

    threadjack over
    Hey, Its Moomba time

    Its all about the dash - enjoy the dash, as that is your time between the dates
    13 Mobius LSV-sold
    08 Mobius LSV-sold
    03 Mobius LSV-sold
    life is about finding the balance between being a responsible adult and staying young at heart

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Vancouver, WA


    Well she redeemed herself tonight with a long surf session. Just one kid in boat, her driving, and me attempting numerous 360's and dorking off. I'm thinking the lack of speed and fewer distractions on board made all the difference in the world. Didn't do the half mile loop to pick me up or any power turns either. Even dialed in the wave on the fly with PP as we were running upstream against the current and then down. Needless to say I was impressed.

    Maybe one of these outings was just a fluke. Not sure which one though...
    So when is this "old enough to know better" supposed to kick in?

    2001 MobiusV - Slightly Modified...

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