Quote Originally Posted by zegm View Post
First: Me and Arial are fine!
I am lost to what happened after I left?
A Moomba towel is missing?
A MasterCraft towel was spotted?
A towel sunk (besides the one I dropped by the bridge)?
Drew is looking for mask and snorkel?
Catfish were caught?

So I guess I am just clueless and Moomba towel less!

Arial's ok? are you sure?

yep a Moomba towel is missing

MC towed was used-but only after all others were used

Yep, I think I left the above towel on the tower to dry off-wind blew it overboard-they sink fast, It happens

Yep, Drew being the Man he is, offered to go for swim to look for sunk towel.

Catfish?? guppies?