Quote Originally Posted by Stazi View Post
I'm honestly surprised that so many people that replied abstain or outright refuse to have beer on their boat. I thought it would be the opposite. I'm not condoning getting plastered and driving around on your boat at all, but not even drinking a beer in the afternoon hours? Weird. We always go out at 7 or 8am for the good water on our lake and obviously don't drink booze during the session, but after we head in and return to the sandbar I. The afternoon it's time to knock back a few. I actually get more perturbed by people that want to drink coffee on the boat, as I'm always worried of them spilling it and it getting into the seats and carpet, which will never really come out. And if you think you're brining hazelnut creamer on my boat, then you're sadly mistaken. Love hazelnuts but the smell of that stuff is nasty. Other no-no is red Gatorade and similar colored soft drinks in fear of staining.
Cheers to all those that partake.

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I'm sure for me it's the fact that I don't like the taste of beer or wine. so I'm down to Vodka mixed with whatever I'm otherwise drinking (soda, juice, energy drinks, whatever). And anything mixed with vodka doesn't get much extra taste (unless it's flavored vodka, then I like the Pineapple Ciroc).

It's amazing the stuff that Vinyl Sauce will get out of upholstry. I've had people spill some interesting stuff, and I've bled on my boat. All came out fine. Honestly the stain thing that didn't come out was Bee poop.