First question for everyone; I believe my boat came with the Gravity III ballast system, can someone confirm that?

Next one, and frankly the bigger question (no pun intended); I am upgrading to the 750 lbs Fly High Fat Sacs in my rear lockers and plan to save the 400 lbs sacs from the factory system for additional "around the cabin" ballast. Obviously my factory system is going to take something like eight and a half YEARS to fill all that ballast. Do I have three pumps or one in my boat? And does anyone by chaaace have a photo showing their location?

Regardless of how many pumps I have, what is the best way to shorten my bag fill times? i.e. add more pumps (if I only have one), or (if I have three pumps) what is my best option to upgrade my factory pumps to that's still "on a budget"?

With that said, I'm not saying I want to go cheap, but I would prefer to not spend $200 a piece on something like the Johnson Ultra Ballast Pumps. In doing the math, I could buy 6 Tsunami 1200s (one for fill and one for drain on each bag) for ~$250 vs the ~$600 I would spend on the Jonnsons.

A possibly odd thought as well..... Has anyone ever tried using their raw water pump with something like a sprinkler valve to fill ballast bags? I know the water coming off that would be warm, but would that do any damage to my bags and/or ballast system? I would think with the size o the impeller on the raw water pump I shoul get some pretty decent flow off that.

Thanks in advance to everyone who has some input for me!