As time goes by we have had to change up the moderators on the site. Special thanks to all who have served in the past. It is kind of a thankless task to deal with spammers and keep the forum running smoothly. All of our moderators are volunteers here (at least that's what they told me-- I asked for an SC discount on a boat and they told me I have to buy my own Cokes at the boat show-- but I digress). The moderators have done a fine job in making this one of the best boating help sites in the industry. We are second to none in quality members, quality discussions, and just flat out giving each other help every day.

Anyway, in the great tradition of service and loyalty to the SC brand we welcome a long-time owner and ever helpful guy to join our cast of moderators. It is with great pride and sincere joy that I announce that our good friend, Mike Mandley, is the newest moderator.

Here, here! Drinks all around (give tab to Mike)!