First off, I have a confession to make... I dont own a Moomba. Im actually a 17 year old senior in high-school. But my dad does have a moomba, and since Im the one who found the boat and am in charge of all its upgrades and such, I have the account. And Im not going to lie, its become a bit of an addiction. Hope you guys dont mind.

Anyways, being a senior, Ive started thinking more about my future lately. Im fairly sure that Ill going into mechanical engineering and I cant think of anything Id rather do than design wakeboats. I cant count how many times Ive been told to find a job I truly enjoy, and I know that would be it.

However, Ive been doing some research and Im really not finding anything. Is it just one of those having to know the right people things? How would you go about getting started? Is this even a realistic goal? Any thoughts, input or advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!