I got a voicemail from the shop and ended up not going up to see the boat. They have not been able to do anything more than what I posted earlier because they are still waiting for the foam to dry out. Water is still seeping into the hole where they removed the foam. They shopvac it out, then wait for more to seep out of the foam. Then shopvac it, and repeat. I will talk to them again on Tuesday to check progress again. We didn't talk about alternatives today such as cutting another hole and/or trying to remove more foam, but we'll discuss that on Tuesday if it's still not dry. The hole they cut is roughly 6" X 6" so they could remove all the foam they could reach, through this hole. But I don't think that would help much unless they cut another hole, or multiple holes (which we'd like to stay away from if possible). So it's the waiting game, but wanted to post an update. Good guys to work with though, they called me vs me trying to get a hold of them.