So we go out to the river today which we dont normally do. My wife likes the lakes more. Anyway, my 7 yr. old daughter says she wants to wakeboard so I of course tell her to get ready. Second pull of the day and she's up on her own....I'm stoked. She goes a few more times and gets up with no problems. So now I'm super stoked. Everybody else gets a turn in the boat and my 7 yr old daughter says she wants to surf (No ballast though). Again she pops right up and is able to control the surfboard. I look at my wife and give her the "see aren't you glad we invested the money in the kids board" look. Ok so everything is going great and my daughter wants to go surfing with me at the same time with ballast...No problem. My brother in law takes over the driving and away we go. Well after a couple runs he makes a bonehead move and isn't paying attention to what he is doing, I yell at him to pay attention but too late........CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH is all I heard. He runs my damn boat into the rock bar...I would say sand bar but there wasn't a bit of sand on it, nothing but rocks. Get the boat back to the dock and pull it out of the water to survey the damage, obviously the prop was chewed all to hell and bent but nothing else appeared damaged. I have never chewed a prop up like this, is there anything else I should check for? Any insight would be awesome