Step 1: Upload your photo to an online host. Photobucket, Flickr, and even this board allow you to upload a photo.
Step 2: Find the URL of the picture. If you go to where the photo is uploaded. If you upload a picture to this forum using the 'Attachment' feature, then click on the thumbnail, it should open a full-size window of the photo. Right click on the photo, and copy the "Address (URL):"
Step 3: Paste the image URL into the 'Message' box of the forum
Step 4: Put '[img][/img]' tags around the image url. Example: [img]image URL[/img]
Your done!
When you are posting or replying, you can also click on the icon that is yellow and has a mountain on it, and then it's self-explanatory from there. This is the "Insert Image" icon. This also requires a web stored image.
We are eternal, all this pain is an illusion.
2 ways-- first one in this post-- see later posts for other method:
Easy- small photos only- click on the "Reply" button to reply to a post (or just start a new thread). Below the "Reply to Thread" box is a box titled "Additional Options"-- you may have to scroll down to it.
Under "Attach Files", click on the button "Manage Attachments". This will open the "Manage Attachments" menu. In the menu, click on the "Browse" button next to the box under "Upload file from your computer". Navigate to the folder on your hard drive where the target picture is located. Click on the file with the picture so it is listed in the box next to "file name". Click "Open". This takes you back to the "Manage Attachments" menu.
*** NOTE: If you want others using different browsers to be able to view your photo make sure it has a .jpg extension. You can easily open the file with the Paint program and save it as a .jpg file before uploading. ***
You should now see your pic file listed in the box. Click the "Upload" button. You should see a message stating "Uploading file, please wait". If it then says "upload of file failed", the pic is too large. Follow the re-size instructions below and try again.
If the upload worked, you should see under "Current attachments" a pic icon with your file name listed. If so, scroll down to the bottom of the menu and click "close this window". You can now click "Submit Reply" and it should show your pic like the one below.
My next post will explain a simple method for resizing photos so they will upload.
Last edited by kaneboats; 04-01-2011 at 08:52 AM.
My Mom said I'm not allowed to get wet!
2008 LSV (sold)
2000 Outback LS (sold)
Resizing photos
If a file is too large it won't upload to the site and you can't post it. Here's a very simple way to shrink the photo so it will upload.
Open the folder on your hard drive containing your target photo. Right click on the file and click "open with", select the "Paint" program. This should open the file in the "Paint" program included on every computer I've ever seen.
In the menu at the top of the page, click on "Image", then "Stretch/Skew". Change the values for "Horizontal" and "Vertical" to 30% and 30%. (I shoot very high resolution photos so this works for me-- shrinking the file size to 30% of original. If you don't shoot at a very high resolution, you may find that using 50 or 60 will suffice and you will still have a fairly large image that will upload correctly. Try it with 30 and then try higher values to see what gives you a nice big image but one that will still upload).
Click "File", "Save as" and rename the file (if you just click "save" you will overwrite your photo with a lower resolution version -- you may not want to do this if you plan on keeping, using, or printing the photo in the future. I prefer to save as a separate file just for uploading and then delete the low res version after it is uploaded).
Follow the directions in the post above to post the image. My test image was 2.36 MB before resizing and the new file is only 99.6 KB. It should post fine.
*** NOTE: If you want others using different browsers to be able to view your photo make sure it has a .jpg extension. You can easily open the file with the Paint program and save it as a .jpg file before uploading. ***
Last edited by kaneboats; 04-01-2011 at 08:53 AM.
My Mom said I'm not allowed to get wet!
2008 LSV (sold)
2000 Outback LS (sold)
The other method is really the same one Ian posted at the top of this thread. It allows you to post those beautiful full size pics that you don't have to click on to see. I learned to do this when I decided to sell a boat and wanted to post the nice big pics on Craigslist. In other words, learning to do this can be very useful to you because it works other places besides here.
Here's my detailed explanation (I am only familiar with photobucket-- I've heard it is one of the easier ones to use and I love easy!).
Go to photobucket.com. http://photobucket.com/
Sign up for a free account. They won't bother you and it is truly free. Their ads aren't even that annoying. Once you have an account, follow their instructions to create Albums and upload photos to your Albums.
When you are looking at any pic in your album you will see a series of boxes under it. You may have to hover your cursor over the image. The bottom box says "IMG Code". Right click directly in the box and it will highlight the entire code line and show you a right click menu. Select "copy" to copy the image code. You can paste this code directly into the text of a reply you are posting and it will reproduce the photo right there:
The hard part is taking a minute to set up the Photobucket account. There is a bulk uploader that lets you upload large quantities of images at once. Once they are uploaded it is as easy as can be to share your images.
Feel free to post or PM me with any questions. Happy pic posting!
My Mom said I'm not allowed to get wet!
2008 LSV (sold)
2000 Outback LS (sold)
Thanks to Ian and berg for assistance with this.
Since the website changed last summer the process to attach photos to a post is much easier. You can upload your photo using manage attachments. But, it will display very small. Readers can click to see the larger version. If you want to display the large photo in your post, just right click on the uploaded photo and open the photo in a new window. Then copy the url. If you paste the url surrounding it with the image tags for bulleting boards, the large picture will display in your post. So [img] url [/img]
My Mom said I'm not allowed to get wet!
2008 LSV (sold)
2000 Outback LS (sold)
So, what I do exactly is as follows;
1. Upload the pictures using the attach feature.
2. Click 'Preview Post'
3. Right click on the thumbnail image that I just attached, and click "Copy Link Location"
4. Past that URL into the body of the email, putting [ img] [ /img] tags around it.
That will allow you to upload the images locally to the board, and also post the full size image in the thread, so users don't have to click the thumbnails to see the fullsize image.
2013 Outback V
thank you
2012 mojo 2.5
old thread what are people using now that photobucket is charging crazy fees to use your own photos?
A Day at the Lake...Priceless
A Day in Powder...Endless
Joe V
2012 Möbius XLV~ Loaded & Exiled
2007 Outback V ~ sold
imgur.com ......
2007 XLV Gravity Games
Full Wake Makers upgraded ballast and pumps
1,100 in each rear locker
1,180 in front
OJ 1435 prop, 325 EFI Indmar Assult.
Fresh Air Exhaust
Bunch of other crap