2020 SA 450 Wife calls it White Cloud. Said it makes her feel "Classy"
2017 Sanger V215sx. We call it Viagra because it's the little blue pill that gets everyone up (Sold)
onlyinboards is up to almost 6k in listings(has to be a record high). over half are 2023/2024. something tells me there will be some deals to be had come mid-summer.
'06 Supra Launch 20SSV-gone but never forgotten
I am glad there is a big price correction happening- all the greedy manufacturers who rode the wave and raised prices and the financially irresponsible buyers who over-paid for boats deserve a financial beating…
I noticed Malibu is now offering a new boat model for $99k and Axis is offering a new boat model for $89k..When was the last time a Malibu was under $100k?!
Moomba is begging people to trade-in their boats for a new one…
2021 Moomba Max
2018 Supra SL400
I don't feel bad for the dealers/manufactures for a second. However, I do feel bad for some people that wanted a boat and didn't quite understand finances very well. I bet a lot of dealers were explaining how boats have appreciated and that was likely a sales pitch for some. Also, just because you can afford a 20 year note monthly payment, can you really afford that boat? I bet many will be upside down. Lots of different scenarios with each buyer, but I blame the 20 year notes from the lenders and the manufactures about 80% of the blame. Just my 2 cents.
2023 SL400
previous - 2000 SAN210
Also read back in December where National Marine Manufacturing Association (NMMA) said the overall US boats sales were back to 2013 levels. I recall a Wall Street Journal article discussing the big slide down from the 2020-2021 numbers.”
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2018 Supra SL400
I do agree that I won't feel bad for any dealers/builders that are hurting as almost all took piles of cash from the gov't during covid and within a few months of that handout started to see record sales. the cash train never stopped for most. I do not feel for MOST of the consumers tho. someone who has the income/down/debt to income to buy a 6-figure toy should also have enough sense to understand basic finances and research a major purchase but at least here in sin city there is such a race to keep up with the Jones'....... sometimes a lesson needs to be painful to learn.
'06 Supra Launch 20SSV-gone but never forgotten
I have a different perspective in general especially about buying toys.
No part of me wants a OEM to struggle, last thing any of us who enjoy this wakeboat experience is for an OEM to struggle and go out of business. Same can be said for dealers.
You either can afford this game or you can't.
This is what America is built on, Capitalism. I will roll with the peaks and valleys of capitalism any day versus socialism/communism.
Work hard and play as hard as you can, as I get older I see the value in enjoying life while I can still have fun doing it with the people I love.
Don't take life too seriously, nobody gets out alive.
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2021 Supra SA 400
2018 Supra SA 400 (SOLD)