I ski behind our Sl sometimes, I usually go 33mph it is actually not that bad, I use a HO Freeride.
2018 Supra SL
2013 Nautique 210
2011 outback v
1992 Sunbird
I've skied our Craz a half dozen times since we got it and it isn't too bad. 32mph, wake plate all the way down, and even a little extra weight in the bow works pretty good.
2021 Craz
2007 Mobius LSV
1997 Sea Ray 190
I know the surf plates are for surfing, but I wonder if they would help the ski wake. I also know they won't deploy over ~15mph so this is something that cannot actually be tested. But similar to the new "Go Home" or "Launch" feature. They could deploy to help plane without dragging the skier to far, then stay deployed at 10% or so to help keep the transom out of the water. Might be a way to turn a surf/wake boat into a 3-in-1 sports boat.
Just bored at work and thinking with my keyboard.
2015 Moomba Mojo Surf Edition
Manual Flow
I'm sure skiing is not a priority for the manufacturerrs right now. Out of the 165 homes on our lake, only two families ski regularly. Rest is split between surfing and pontooning for the lack of better term. Someone would have to be a really good and dedicated skier to dish out $100K++ for a good ski boat. Much easier to convince mama to spend the $$ if she and the kids will participate LOL.
2022 MB F22 Alpha
2021 Mondo (sold)
2020 Grand Island Fish
2017 Sea-Doo Spark
I hardly ever see anybody ski anymore. I have several sets and some nice EP competition skis too. From way back in my more resilient days! My kids have used them a couple times, but now it's wakeboard, surf or tube. Not just me, but almost everyone on our lake. When you see someone on skis, they really stand out.
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2021 Moomba Makai
Black Cherry Metal Flake & Fire Red
Nibral OJ 15.5x15 Altitude/Wake prop w/1.76 trans v-drive
Wet Sounds bow speakers & 10's on the Tower & ported sub
And I should add kneeboarding to that common list too. Still see a lot of that too.
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2021 Moomba Makai
Black Cherry Metal Flake & Fire Red
Nibral OJ 15.5x15 Altitude/Wake prop w/1.76 trans v-drive
Wet Sounds bow speakers & 10's on the Tower & ported sub
We make all the kids learn how to slalom. We are able to get a decent wake behind our Mojo by loading ballast up front and putting the wake plate all the way down to launch. It helps some people to pull from the tower rather than the pylon, but that is up to you.
2016 Moomba Mojo Surf Edition
2000 Sharpe Houseboat 70x16 (Lives at Lake Powell)