Quote Originally Posted by SorryCharlie View Post
Just wondering how you guys treat other boaters on the lake. I'm on a large lake with plenty of room for boaters. When I'm just riding around or pulling a tube, I try to stay away from boats that are pulling skiers or surfers, etc. I also try to go behind the boat that's pulling instead of crossing their path from the front. I just got really irritated last weekend because a couple of boats flew right across our front and had plenty of room to go around us. Of course our surfer fell because of the wakes just created. Maybe I'm wrong here, but seems like alot of boaters don't have any courtesy at all.
Fully agree and agree with many of the other comments. People are idiots and clueless. We had someone tailgating us while pulling a surfer. The rider fell and the other boat was within 20' of running her over. I had to power turn and head directly back at the boat following us to get them to veer off course. They though the whole thing was a joke.

Frequently cut off, people going the wrong direction, clueless of what is going on around them, people flying through no wake zones. We have begun complaining directly to the sheriff department. We can provide boat description, tag #'ers, and event details to them and they will follow up. This past weekend was the first weekend I have seen the patrol boat take any action.