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Thread: Cigarettes

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2019


    I am looking for a way to quit smoking, but don't want to try al the shit like e-cigarette with liquids and things like that. I want to quit by myself.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2019


    Congrats. Smoked for 10yrs. Quit 15yrs ago, but occasionally smoke when drinking. Fortunately, it only reminds me of why I quit lol
    2019' Moomba Max

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Tuscaloosa, Alabama


    I set them down @ 9:00 pm and never lit another one up. Ya got to want to bad enough to do it. Been 12 years. No patches, no nothing. Cold Turkey. They are to damn expensive.
    Jack Beams
    '05 Outback DD
    325HP EFI Indmar

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    New York


    Congrats, y'all here are strong, super proud of everyone. 12 years is huge, a lot of my friends have tried to quit as well but only a few succeeded because it's really hard to not go back to this harmful habit. Most only last a week or up to a month and start to it again.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    Phoenix AZ


    I was a heavy smoker. I did hypnosis and never smoked again. That was 19 years ago. Best $40 I ever spent.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    My partner used to be a heavy smoker during his younger days. It took some time for him to get rid of his addiction but with perseverance, he has managed to quit smoking. Now he is just busy with our wheels and tires business aside from looking after our baby girl.

  7. #17


    I quit smoking five years ago and I'm very happy about it.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2020
    Miami, Florida


    Well, smoking is my sin. But my job would be hell without it. Working in the field, especially nightshifts... sometimes it's really tough, but a cigarette from time to time helps to release the stress you accumulated

  9. #19


    I smoke two packages a day for several years....

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    Boating on Lake Martin, AL


    I have smoked for 25 years or so, maybe more. I smoked a pack a day or close to it. Ever since this whole virus thing and us self isolating I have reduced my smoking to 1 cigarette a day!! I do it by only taking a drag or two and then putting it out until the next craving many hours later. It has been awesome and I did this cold turkey as I have been wanting to quit for many years. I am not one to like medications and such so I never tried them due to all the scary side effects. I used to think there is no way I could stop smoking especially with my hectic and stressful job but here I am cutting this habit during probably the most stressed I’ve been during this uncertainty! If I can do it anyone can do it. Obviously I’m not out of the woods yet but I can tell I feel much better compared to smoking a pack a day. I don’t even have morning cravings on most days. I’ve had some headaches but probably stress related more then the cigs but who knows because these days they have chemicals and crap in them. Anyways just wanted to share since March 13th I’ve made huge strides in kicking this horrible habit. I’m hoping I will be able to stop fully very soon. We bought a carton of cigs in March and we still have half of it lol. Crazy!!
    2024 Supra SV 400 “SUPA DUPA”
    2019 Moomba Max - sold"MOOMBAE"
    2016 Yamaha AR192 - sold

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