Been a while since I've cruised this thread but had a good scare at work today that made me think of it.

A coworker and good friend was walking down the hallway right outside my office and bam - went face down on the carpet, lights out. Few of us got right to him, rolled him over and he was eyes wide open, non responsive, blood in his mouth. He was breathing and had a pulse so we basically had to wait it out until he came back to us while the ambulance was on the way. Was only a minute or two but looking down at his black empty eyes it felt like an eternity...

Later in the day here I learned that 10 or so years ago he had an infection of some kind near his brain that had him out of work for a few months. Praying that not he's not going to face any difficulties and that this was just a fluke. He's only 52.