Quote Originally Posted by loudsubz View Post
Have some scratches on our 2010. I bought some meguiars #67 and used a Porter Cable random orbital buffer with a purple foamed wool pad, supposed to be the most aggressive from lake country. Scratches still there, although if I run my fingernail over them it doesn't catch and I can barely feel them there.

Is my only recourse fine wet sanding than doing the procedure over again? I know gel coat is hard to work with than paint clear coat so I was hoping to get decent results from the 67 meguiars but looks like I may need a different approach.

Right now I added poor boys black hole polish to it so its hiding the scratches but when you look up close you can still see them

Explain the scratches and color combo. If you have a black boat and your seeing white at the bottom of the scratch that means you have gone all the way through the color gel coat and into the next layer, there is no getting that out. If the scratch is just a dull mark on the gel coat best advice is to go with a heavy rubbing compound then work it out from there. If that doesn't do it then go with 1500 wet sand and work out from there. Just be careful not to go too deep.

I think gel coat is harder than paint but you should be able to get them out, just be careful with the machine. If you see white scratches on a black boat your already through the gel coat and there is nothing you can do.