Quote Originally Posted by Boatdrinks797 View Post
Hey Dave,

While I was drooling over your pics since I'm still a month away from ice out I noticed the pic where your buddy is getting ready for an intense nasal flush that your wake is solid on one side, but washed out on the other. I had this problem in my old boat too when I was under 21mph but I only had a few hundred pounds of ballast which I attributed it too. I'm guessing you had the tanks full if he's pulling backflips and I thought it would clean up the wake on both sides.

The people I pull don't like going over 21mph, I like it around 22-22.5 mph where the wake was sharp for me on both sides. I'm hoping for a clean wake on both sides at 20+mph with a new 13 LSV. Was this pic a fluke or a weight distribution problem with passengers?
Weight distribution may have been a contributing factor since we take a lot of people out who do not understand how to clean the wake but also whenever someone is loading the line on one side of the boat it seems to always make the other side wash. im sure if he was riding directly behind the boat there would be very little to no wash on the opposite side. as long as the side im going into is clean im all good haha