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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Springfield Missouri


    I just call the sheriff and they come and give tickets out. Not because of the actions as they weren't there but this State now requires boating licenses to be on the person and they also do an equipment check. Between the two, they usually cite them for one of those. They end up going somewhere else and that is a good thing.
    1998 Mobius
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  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Henderson, NV


    funny that our sheriffs here use jetskis as the primary mode of issuing tickets in the summer. they have 3 black/white 3person seadoos with lights. if we see one too close, we just stop. most around here keep out of the way of boats towing people and look for ones just cruising along. there are always the idiots in every bunch though..

    I commute to work every day on an '08 zx6ninja and kind of see a lot of parallels in sportbikes and jetskis. a small few give a bad perception of the vehicle to everyone else and the ones that choose to fit the perception are the ones that eventually make it a reality. sad that lives are usually what pay the price..
    '06 Supra Launch 20SSV-gone but never forgotten

  3. #23
    Join Date
    May 2009
    North End Lake Lanier GA


    Quote Originally Posted by sandm View Post
    funny that our sheriffs here use jetskis as the primary mode of issuing tickets in the summer. they have 3 black/white 3person seadoos with lights. if we see one too close, we just stop. most around here keep out of the way of boats towing people and look for ones just cruising along. there are always the idiots in every bunch though..

    I commute to work every day on an '08 zx6ninja and kind of see a lot of parallels in sportbikes and jetskis. a small few give a bad perception of the vehicle to everyone else and the ones that choose to fit the perception are the ones that eventually make it a reality. sad that lives are usually what pay the price..
    Im with ya here Sandm. I used to ride a 95 Suzuki Katana 600 to work back in the mid 90s when i worked 60 miles from my house. I didnt pay as much attention to bikes on the road till i started ridding one. Even now when i dont ride i still pay attention to them and give them a little extra room and respect. Every one wants to have fun and ride what they can whether its land or water. It does only take a few people or 1 person to do something stupid to make a lot of others hate that whole group.

    Take wake boarding boats vs. fishermen.

    A few a-holes get to close to the fishing boats and rock the hell out of them with there wakes and thats what started the hole hate relationship with the two groups. Kayakers too.
    Malo <--- Means--Evil or Mean One. This explains a lot.
    2013 Mojo 2.5 Skylon Tower. Bestia < Beast >

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2008


    The guy who died in this accedent was a guy who worked at Union Point they called Welder. He did the flag pole and alot of the other welding jobs around Union Point. I didnt know or ever meet him but people I know said he was a great guy that would go out of his way to help you out. My prayer fo out to his family.

    When I was a kid my family owned a place called Lost Isle, not far from Union Point. I got REALLY board at times just hanging around doing nothing on the island, except getting on everyones nerves LOL. So they bought me a 440 jet ski and then bought another for my cousin a short time later. Well we were only 9 or 10 years old so of course we did stupid crap. One day jumping wakes we collided right in front of the island. Luckily neither of us were hurt real bad but one of the skis ended up on the bottom with a big whole in it. My family never fixed it and it just sat until they sold the Island and the other was sold right away. I've never and will never own or allow my kids on a PWC.
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  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default My 2 Cents

    I was out on the water with a friend about a mile north of this accident when it happened. We heard the sirens and the sheriff's call over the radio at a local marina.

    I was hoping the news rapidly spreading amongst delta boaters was less severe than what we were hearing. Unfortunately, now that I found this post, I know that the stories were true.

    Having recently moved to Discovery Bay (not far from Union Point), and being an avid stand-up jet skier, I am always looking for news regarding incidents on the water as well as the rules and safety regulations in this area. I've read about the woman who was killed near Disco Bay (Heart wrenching) and the other person who hit the bridge piling on a jetski. I'm out on the water all the time and I've seen too many close-calls myself in the short amount of time I've been here.

    While the accident information is ready available, it's troubling I can't find more information on the rules around here. Many of them seem to be "unwritten". The delta is a unique body of water because it's composed of a series of channels (many very narrow) versus a single large body of water like a lake. This immediately raises a red flag for me as visibility is shortened.

    To the person who started this post, are you sure that wakejumping is illegal? From what I've gathered, it's legal if you are using good judgment. For me, good judgment means that neither the boat, the wake, or a nearby turn is blocking my visibility. If I'm clear, I'm jumpin' that sucker!

    With all that said, let me just say I don't think it should be a boater versus jet skier thing. EVERYONE needs to exercise caution, demonstrate good judgment, and respect one another on the water. I like the post from the folks who related jetskis to streetbikes. I don't ride streetbikes but I know people who do..and they have heightened respect for the road because they are more vulnerable. On the same token, I know a lot of people who drive their cars recklessly. Just like on the road, there are a large number of dumbs**ts out there both on boats and on jetskis...and I don't care if you are a weekender or live on the water...we Are all guilty of poor judgment at least once. The important thing is that you learn from the mistake. Suck it up and take responsibility!

    Ego talking: I say put every boater and waverunner enthusiast on a stand-up jetski for a few days. I guarantee 80% will come out with a new found respect for the waters and those in them. And oh yeah...they won't get bored either!

    Okay long and boring post; but if I managed to make one person think differently, then this is priceless.

  6. #26
    Join Date
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    North End Lake Lanier GA


    Welcome tot he forum Delta.

    I really like you thoughts and point of view. It is everyone responsibility and actions that make us all safe and or unsafe.

    I know as a new boat owner already i have done things that were a bit stupid, or let someone driving my boat do something they shouldnt have done, its all learning and teaching others. One thing i can say about Jet skiers is i see them and treat them like a biker on the road. I love to see them out there jumping and having fun, as long as they respect my space when i have people behind my boat, i respect there's by not getting my boat to close eighter.

    Its all give and take and mutual respect for one another on the water.
    Malo <--- Means--Evil or Mean One. This explains a lot.
    2013 Mojo 2.5 Skylon Tower. Bestia < Beast >

  7. #27
    Join Date
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    Sunnyvale, CA

    Default Just addin'

    Even if there are some idiots out there in boats or jet skis or whatever you still have to feel sorry for the families they leave behind. I have worked in the emergency room of various trauma centers for the last ten years and seen firsthand some of the craziest things imaginable. Most of the circumstances whether auto, bike, boat, ATV or jet ski are similar to the incidents in this thread. I think it is much easier to teach your family to be responsible with all things they participate in than it is to live with them on life support for the next 20+ years. You wanna see something tear a family apart visit your local long term intensive care hospital (especially the pediatric ventilator units). Sorry that was probably a little dark for some but people seem to forget about the long term consequences when they make these choices.

    Quote Originally Posted by mmandley View Post

    Take wake boarding boats vs. fishermen.

    A few a-holes get to close to the fishing boats and rock the hell out of them with there wakes and thats what started the hole hate relationship with the two groups. Kayakers too.

    Hope I don't offend anyone..... But..... While I am newer to boating and wakeboarding I have spent a large portion of my life hunting and fishing. I still cannot understand why fishermen (or fisherwomen) would even want to fish on the delta in the largest and most populated or busiest channels. There are so many great places with no one around because they are not good spots to board or ski. I mean it is kinda like hunting for deer on the shoulder of the highway and then getting mad at the cars passing because they are scarring away the animals.. Sorry just had to get that out. I feel better now.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Delta, yup i'm sure. Read your USCG rules and you'll find it. Get caught by the water cops and you will get a ticket. Personally i hate lake lice due to their attitudes and total lack of common sense. Jumping wakes, cutting in front of me at high speed, churning up the water at the harbor or cove entrance, blah, blah, blah. I catch them doing it near my boat and the sherrif will hear about it along with their reg numbers.

    Accicdents happen, but none happen more anywhere in Cali than in Disco and the Delta. Why, it's a very large body of water that covers hundreds of miles (see map) that's used by everything from kayaks to ocean freighters. It's also used by a very large population of stupid people.

    Last year 12 drunk hispanics in a 12' aluminum boat capsized and sank (ya think?) in the middle of the night, most drowned. A wakeboat traveling well over 10mph at 2AM hits a dumba** in a paddleboat, dead paddleboat dude. What the! Last Memorial weekend, friday afternoon to be exact, drunk kid runs Sanger V215 wakeboat on the rocks (see pic), dumba**!

    Every weekend something happens out there to some extent or another. A few Boats will sink every year as well. I remember one a couple years ago, wakeboat pulls out into the deepwater channel (dumb), stops and starts to setup a rider, large boat comes by and swamps boat, boat sinks. Dumba**!

    We have a couple on the forum that live there and i'm sure they know the waters, it's the ones that don't that get into trouble. Personally i don't boat there for many reasons. I like large open water where i can see idiots coming.
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  9. #29
    Join Date
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    North End Lake Lanier GA


    Sorry Razz i know these arnt meant to be funny, but the 12 Hispanics is dam funny, and the drunk kids on the rocks is dam funny.

    I have seen plenty of youngsters, college kids out in there big money boats this year already, parting and having a good ole time. I hope they stay safe because nothing is sadder then leaving the water with less people, or equipment then you came to the water with.
    Malo <--- Means--Evil or Mean One. This explains a lot.
    2013 Mojo 2.5 Skylon Tower. Bestia < Beast >

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Henderson, NV


    see the same thing. one cove we have on our home lake is the "party spot". usually 7-9 high$$ wake machines, mostly mastercraft/nautique, tied together and tunes blasting, beer flowing and overall a party atmosphere. sheriffs spend a lot of time up there.
    ahhhh.... to be 25, irresponsible, and the offspring of wealthy parents... jk..

    back on topic. I would suspect that delta_shark fits the mold of the people that we absolutely hate on the lake. thinking it's all clear, then before you know it, something happens. it is my understanding it is illegal to be within 100ft of any boat or person getting towed or downed in the water. I don't think most on seadoo's and standups really have an understanding of how far 100ft is. in delta's partial defense, it is mostly the seadoo's on our lake that are the real nuisance. standups don't have enough of a tank to get very far from the marina launch and don't really go that fast, so most boaters head a mile or so away and the standups are gone. rarely ever see one more than 1/4 mile from the launch.
    '06 Supra Launch 20SSV-gone but never forgotten

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