Quote Originally Posted by cucv View Post
@Hayden thanks for following up. I watched all your Ballast videos and was doing the math and figured it at 11 minutes, sounds like your impellers are doing just fine. Are there other reasonable areas to add water Ballast or have you maxed it out? How long did it take to get the custom rear bags?
You could maybe get another 200 lbs in the very tip of the bow with some sort of triangle bag piggy backed off the bow bags? Would be difficult to plumb in though, no room to work. If you didn't care about symetry you could put at least 400 lbs next to the amp under the passenger side compartment but that's using all of the space and getting hose/fittings/leaky water near the amp/charger/etc. Gotta draw a line somewhere :P

Took about 2-3 weeks to get Fatsac to make and deliver the 1800 lbs rear bags across the border.