Quote Originally Posted by jclevoy View Post
In reading the owner's manual that came with my SPP2150 (the larger of the 2 batteries): This info is straight out of the manual.

12.85 Volts = 100% charge
12.5 Volts = 75% charge
12.2 Volts = 50% charge
11.9 Volts = 25% charge
11.6 Volts = 0%

John told me that it has been his experience that if you discharge one of these Stingers below the 25% level, then chances are that you have just ruined your battery. After this deep discharge, it will not hold a charge again. I don't plan to discharge mine below 12 Volts, and I plan to put them on the stinger chargers after each trip to the lake. They are on the charger right now.
That fine for the Stinger, my recommendations for 10.2 is from what i recall Brian telling me about the Exile amps and then they will power off. Also a wet cell battery will keep playing your amps at 11 volts also.

Stingers are kinda like Lithium battery's in the fact they play full force until all the sudden they die. At least that's my understanding.