Hello Everyone. I have an issue that I hope someone can assist with. I have an 07 LSV with 750s in the back, the ski locker sack and the bow sack as well. I converted to 4 pumps on a single manifold that is using the existing 1" intake.

Fill times are great compared to before (15min vs 32min) however if I am not filling all the bags at once the system gives me problems. For instance if I want to stop filling center ski locker bag (because it fills first and pushes the locker door open) but continue to fill the rest then air starts back feeding from the center sack causing the other sacks to stop filling or fill uneven at best.

This becomes a real issue if I want to put more water in one of the back sacks then the other to offset the weight of the driver etc. I could easily fix the issue with a check valve but that would cause a restriction and slow the fill down which would make all the work I did a waste.

The manifold is on the bottom of the hull and it doesnt change even after the rear are very full which drops the boat several inches into the water so I no the pumps are below the water line. Is anyone else experiencing this and if so what is the fix. Thanks in advance.