
There have been some recent posts about extending the surf side ballast fill hose when upgrading to the 750# sac as the factory does not leave enough slack in the hose to accommodate the bigger/taller bag. I ran into the same problem.

In taking a look at the way the set up is plumbed, I discovered that by switching up the front and the rear electrical and plumbing , I am able to extend the left rear fill hose by about 12". Below are before and after pics. Took all of 5 minutes and did not require any materials.

FYI, my boat was upgraded from Gravity I to III by the dealer so the factory installed Gravity III might have been done differently.

Here are before pics of the amount of slack in the fill hose and how it was plumbed by the dealer.

The hose in the middle is the one that goes to the port side sac.

Here's are after pics after I switched out the front and port sac plumbing and electrical. The hose in the middle now goes to the front sac, and the port sac hose is now connected to the solenoid on the right ...

... which effectively adds about 12" of length to the hose.