It has finally happened, after 15 years of trying to get my parents on board, we just closed a lake house! Lake Gaston, NC and the house is about 65 minutes door to door from my house.

Doozie lifts (local company) has already started upgrading the 4,000 lb lift to a dual motor 8,000 lb.

This is where the murder max will reside for the summer months, then back to storage in my home shop during the winter:

What suggestions do y’all have for lift use, and boat storage/maintenance on a lift?

I’m already looking at getting a cheap, lightweight oversized eBay cover that can cover the boat with the tower down, and is easy to get on and off by myself. Since the lift has a roof I really just need something for bugs and dust.

I’m also installing a camera security system once I have internet up there (before I bring the boat).

Thanks for any insight/tips!