A couple weekends ago, was out on the water attempting to get ready for a wakeboard set, flipped on ballast pumps to fill and before getting into the water on the usual timeline. I noticed that my ballast overflows hadn't started spitting out the side of the boat. Looked in the rear compartments and the bags were still completely empty. Check in the engine compartment and it turns out that I had cut the valves off on the ballast intakes when I winterized the boat last season and forgot to cut them back on when I de-winterized. So yeah, looks like I burnt up the impellers on all the ballast pumps as they were all incredibly slow this weekend when they actually started moving water. Had to cut the pumps on several times as they had timed out before filling the bags.

Does anyone have some old ballast impellers hanging around that they'd like to part with for a nominal fee? Dealer says they'll be approx. $50 per. I have no problem installing them myself, but looking to save where I can before my wife divorces me for pumping more money into the boat as I already had to replace the heat exchange this spring (that's a story for another day).