Yesterday the winds on my lake went from about 8 mph to almost 30 mph in an hour or two. Unfortunately to get back to the truck i had to head into the wind, so i ended up facing off against 2 ft white caps in my 08 LSV. After a 15 minute beating, i gave up and went to a different ramp, got a ride around the lake to the truck and drove around to pick up the boat.

What are some tips for rough water driving or is there just no hope for our smaller boats? My thought was to get the bow up to keep water from coming over the bow and go about 10 to 15 so it isn't super intense on the boat but any slower and the nose wouldn't have been high enough for when i rode down the wave and into the next. I tried all kinds of angles of attack and none seemed to work. The boat was pounding waves and water was spraying everywhere. I actually had concerns of the gel cracking from hitting waves or the boat getting too much water on board and sinking. It took some time for my adrenaline to calm down afterwards...