It's not like i use the crappy flip up light a lot but when i do I hate the dang thing. I don't know if mine is defective but the tab you have to pull out to stand the light up is hard to get loose and then it falls off and it takes forever to get it back on the screw again. So I decided to buy one of these,, and figure out a way to try and change it out. So the best way i was able to figure it out was to basically drill a hole down through the threads where you screw in the metal cap. I then drilled another hole in the back tower tube so i can run the wire to the front tube where the wires came out for the old light. I basically just make it look like how the wiring is for the tower speakers. I thought it would look better if I could some how grind down the top of the metal cap so it basically looked like a thick metal washer so i pulled out my grinder to went to town on it. I figured i wouldn't be using it any more anyway. So I flattened it out with the grinder and it looked pretty good for the most part. I was going to try and fish the wire from the back tube to the front tube but that was impossible to do. I just found some plastic plugs at Home Depot to plug the two holes from where the old light was screwed in to the cross bar. It probably took two hours to figure it all out and get it done but i could easily cut that in half now that i've done it once.