In a matter of 2 hours last weekend I went from two racks to none. I'm on my 2nd set of racks (replaced due to the service bulletin/recall) and Friday the port side rack machine bolt managed to works itself out and is lost to the lake now. The only thing that was holding the rack in place was the plunger pin. Shortly thereafter on the starboard side rack, the plunger pin hardware failed and all have left is the cap that you pull on (I actually have it on gopro coming apart should SC want it for warranty purposes). I managed to make one good rack between the two for the remainder of the weekend. To top if off the vinyl coating is already pulling off after 2 weekends of use. Anyone else having trouble with this, and do you think it's going to fall under the warranty or "normal wear and tear"? I've already sent off an e-mail to the dealer. He probably cringes every time I e-mail or call as I'm one of the many on here who is having the wakeplate and wakeplate gauge troubles as well.