I wanted to follow up with some additional information.

I ordered an 18" SSC15418 cable. Based on the Teleflex formula for measuring the plastic and adding 30", I should have expecte the cable to be 18'10". Guess what, when I removed the old cable it was exactly 10" longer than the new 18' cable I had in hand. Fortunately, I had enough slack to make the 18' cable work. I HIGHLY recommend getting the 19' cable, and/or using the Teleflex formula to figure out the length.

The new cable turns like butter with no slack. I have a new problem. When I go full power, I get a "rattle" transmitted up the cable all the way to the steering column. Everything is tight. It's either in the clamp block or the U-shaped fitting that wraps around the bolt on the rudder arm. I've got a little slack in both of them. Anyone else have this problem?
