Lots of good information here on tower speakers but I found one critical thing missing from the OP. When you do this change on your tower setup, do you want sound on target @ 80feet or are you looking for sound @20feet. This is really the critical element and then all else will fall into place from a sound technology / budget stand point.

If it's more the surf setup your looking for, and budget is the biggest factor, then the best bet is to drop some off the shelf speakers in your existing cans. If you want to spend some more then look at the options earmark laid out. Yes there are benefits to spending more... Ya just plain get more sound, better build etc... But hey, everyone has a limit.

If wakeboard performance @80feet is your thing, step up into HLCDS. But this gets more complicated system wise because I'd be looking closer at what my other sound zones - sub and cabin are capable of. It's easy to end up with to much of one dominating zone.

In either setup , make sure you put as much power amplifier into the configuration you can afford. Big power can really help any speaker. I remember when razz man did his exile setup and went from a standard coaxial to our stuff. He called me a said wow what a difference, wondering why so dramatic. Honestly part is the speaker and part is the abundance of available power on tap for the speakers. Clipping amps make any speaker BAD.

So my advice is, if you are going to keep the pods and the current amp, then find a speaker brand that will fit into that mix. If your open to changes in pod or amp, then you can take a fresh look at system goals.

Just my 28 cents.

Exile Audio