Quote Originally Posted by squeeg333 View Post
Dru, no offence taken. I think of myself very mechanically inclined, but I don't wield a propane torch often (or ever), so, just a little hesitant. I realize that it'll take a LOT of heat to deform the prop to the point of putting it out of balance, but still. I also couldn't see buying a 50 dollar propane torch for about 5 minutes of use - and none of my buddies I called that day had one I could borrow.

The boat is in storage now, so it'll have to wait till spring. It was a fairly cold day, so not an ideal time to be trying it without additional heat. My last effort didn't do any good, but I left the puller with a lot of pressure on it for the entire day, thinking that I could benefit from any temperature differential. Nothing. I beat the back of the puller senseless, so, really the only option now is heat.

I attached a few photos of what the key looks like looking from the stern of the boat. You can see the key sitting on top of the last of the threads - this certainly isn't what a key was meant to do! I'm thinking once I do finally get the prop off, I'll be getting a new key!
Looks like the key is seized onto the prop's keyway. Did you try to drive the key back into the keyway by using a punch or screwdriver and hitting it with a hammer?