I was all ready to winterize my boat after all the awefull weather we have had as of late. We have had a few nights of frost with the weather hovering around the 5-10 celcious mark for about the last 3 weeks,with a very few nice days in between.
I was really ready to give up when the weatherman said we would have 28 C on saturday but that usually changes dramatically when saturday comes.
This time they were actually right and it was actually 30 C where i went out too,same weather as ORLANDO Florida,if you can beleive it.
Water was COLD at 50.8F warmed up to 54F by days end. Thank God for Drysuits.
We had an awesome day of absolute GLASS water from 10am till 4pm,so we skied and boarded till we could no more. I sit here ,TIRED,SORE and HAPPY,thinking i just may wait one more week to winterize Hoping to go out 1 more time. FINGERS CROSSED.