Kind of long, but need to rant...

Went to the lake yesterday as it looks to be the last 90deg day. went to a different ramp that's closer. lake is dropping and ramp is tight, with only one real launch/retrieve point. guy in an outboard broke down. sits there for almost 30 minutes before moving the boat so others can launch.. frustrating, but we hit the water...
head up to a narrow arm of the lake and they have put out the no-wake buoys since it's dropping and gettin shallow. this is typically the "party cove" hangout and we're going to just chill and soak up the sun. got the boat anchored with around 20 others. next thing we know, some a$$tard in a bayliner with a slalom skier comes roaring through the no wake zone, 30mph plus. we yelled, as did every other boat. they creeped out and were low in the boat
hit 4pm so ready to do some surfing. channel is somewhat narrow, so we usually hug the shoreline with the surfer toward shore to keep our wake out of others way that want to board. lake is real choppy and windblown, so surfwake is not great, but take what you can get. had 2 jetskiers come up behind us. I see them so I start cutting toward shore to force them to our outside. I'm maybe 40-50ft off shore and they cut between us.. pissed. watch the video at around 3minutes. you'll see the one, and at around 3:20, you can see the wake from the other that got even closer....
greg got out and my gf got in. she ended up falling as we were going up the other way. we were around 75ft off shore. I'm waiting for the rollers to pass to turn around and pick here up and another i/o comes up barreling down on her. I slam it into gear and powerturn to her placing us between her and the other boat. they were trying to cut between her and the shore, maybe 75ft of room. their rider falls just about the time they get to us. I'm now in front of gf as they powerturn to get their rider. they were no more than 20ft off our bow...

overall great day for drinking, hanging out in the party cove and soaking up some sun, but watersports sucked