First off, I love my LSV. It's been a fantastic boat and I've put 60 hours on it since I bought her in March. That said, these ballast bags are absolute crap. They've spit the fittings out from day one. They're tricky to fill right, and you have to burp them or they fill unevenly, and you can't even burp the center bag because there's no plug access!
So I've had to put Loctite plastic thread sealer on them to keep them working on a semi regular basis, forget about setting them up differently for each rider. It's almost like I'm back in the old hose pump fill-up days without a ballast "system" at all because I have to watch them so closely and play with them so much to get them right. Now I've upgraded to 750lb. sacs and the fittings won't come out of the old bags. What a pain in the ass. My next boat will have tanks. No more bag B.S.
