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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2020

    Default 2009 Mobius LSV Electrical Schematic

    I am looking for the electrical schematic for a 2009 Mobius LSV. I was able to get the indmar schematic by emailing indmar. When I emailed skiers choice I got a response back saying they could not share due to liability reasons. If anyone has one they could share it would be much appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Kansas City, MO


    Can't help with the schematic, but is there anything else you're looking for specifically? I bet there is someone here knowledgeable in what you need!
    2022 Mojo

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2020


    Upgraded alternator to a 95 amp and added a 2nd battery. I separated the 2 batteries using a battery isolation setup from hellsroaring. I thought I had everything isolated from the starting battery only leaving the starter motor. I did this by disconnecting the factory wire from the alternator at the positive battery post on the starter. Everything seemed to work good when first tested, however I have found 2 issues. With a dead starting battery there is an over current condition in the start solenoid which blows the fuse in the engine fuse box. I think this is because the solenoid is on the other battery so I am considering moving the engine ecm and fuse box back to the starting battery. 2nd issue is that I have found a stray voltage on the 12 v receptacle and wake plate circuits. With the circuit breakers removed and ignition power off I read about 5V on the load side of the circuit breaker. If anyone has any knowledge of things to look at that would be great but I really think I need a schematic to do a deep dive.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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