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Thread: Mask Mandate

  1. #101
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    Default Mask Mandate

    Ok, so you would rather I use the term inconsistent vs abysmal. Semantics is fine—the point I am making is that our mask usage is on par with what you describe. Even without a mandate.

    Enforceability is not practical—thats the issue. If it was a law then you have something, but that’s not gonna happen. It ultimately boils down to individual responsibility as you mentioned.

    It’s just kind of comical how South Dakota is repeatedly singled out as a rogue state, when the practical nature of what’s being done here is as good as or at least consistent with what is being done everywhere else. But the political nature of this entire pandemic is what causes people to point fingers here and there.

    People love to find fault, it makes them feel better. But, we are fine here in Dakota. Well at least as fine as anyone anywhere else is.

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    Last edited by dakota4ce; 11-17-2020 at 04:30 PM.

  2. #102
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    May 2018


    Enforcement is largely unconstitutional.

    I get the mandate but it’s not law.

    Americans are free last I checked and I know our Governor got her pee pee slapped for her use of power.

    The best this state can hope for is Americans rowing the boat in about the same direction.

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  3. #103
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    Henderson, NV


    dakota, get it 100% and you are correct...

    but.... if the gov mandates something - for the sake of discussion, 80% of the population will follow. I don't doubt that SD might be as compliant as the rest of the states with no mandate at the same 80% BUT if they mandated it, would SD be a state that might hit 85% or 90% as those few that need the push to be swayed would do so? not sure and won't know the answer but that extra few % could save a few lives.

    all up for debate and in the end, it is what it is but me? I'd be pushing for something mandated.
    I hear from a lot that they "know" their social circle and feel comfortable around them but do you really know? 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon shows that even you and I can be connected to each other with just a few people. you don't know me but do you trust me enough to jump on your boat first meeting right now? that social circle likely has holes in it. just as ours does and maybe a mandate would plug one of the holes.

    now enforcement is another story altogether. I witnessed someone walking into walmart without a mask last weekend and had a 9mm strapped on his hip. you think that poor $11/hr walmart associate is going to say something? the mgr did 3 aisles in and out the door he went but......

    larry needs to hope not that we are all rowing in the same direction but that we are first all in the same boat.
    '06 Supra Launch 20SSV-gone but never forgotten

  4. #104
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    Default Mask Mandate

    Just because I am carrying does not mean I am unapproachable.

    The reality is, I am not defensive of well meaning people, ultimately only against the bad guy.

    I however refuse to open carry for what it’s worth.

    Again mandates are simply strong suggestions. We could never pass a mask requirement law.

    This is why there is no federal mandate and each state and county needs to do their part is educating the suggested behavior.

    Is it constitutional to prevent your unalienable rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

    Communist countries pass out mandates.

    You could never get 335 million Americans to follow a mandate.

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  5. #105
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    All fascinating.

    People who are not wearing their masks right now are not doing it because they’re simply unaware, they’re doing it because they don’t give a shit. The mandate is not going to change that. I don’t think a mandate would change compliance around here a noticeable bit at all. But, that’s my opinion, although I do live here.

    I don’t need a mandate, as a vast majority of our population also doesn’t. We have strong recommendations, and that’s what we follow.

    The governor firmly does not believe that issuing a mandate is legal. That’s why she hasn’t done it.

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  6. #106
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    There are tons of businesses, in fact most of them, have a mask required sign on their door.

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  7. #107
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    I feel bad about all the small businesses like restaurants, bars, movie theaters, gyms etc that are going under due to these mandates.

    It’s easy to say what Americans should do when your livelyhood isn’t harmed.

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  8. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by larry_arizona View Post
    Just because I am carrying does not mean I am unapproachable.

    The reality is, I am not defensive of well meaning people, ultimately only against the bad guy.

    I however refuse to open carry for what it’s worth.
    guy walking in was mid20's, black, wifebeater, pants down to his ass, dreds about as long and both arms fully tatted up. might be the nicest guy in the world BUT perception to most is a confrontation if asked by the walmart greeter who was not a day younger than 60, female and 100lbs wet. add a firearm to the hip and most would steer clear. the mgr didn't tho.

    Quote Originally Posted by dakota4ce View Post
    People who are not wearing their masks right now are not doing it because they’re simply unaware, they’re doing it because they don’t give a shit. The mandate is not going to change that. I don’t think a mandate would change compliance around here a noticeable bit at all. But, that’s my opinion, although I do live here.
    I believe that it would change SOME minds up but it's all a guess on my part and you are correct, you live there, I don't so maybe all those that would wear are.
    I do agree 100% that most not wearing them simply don't care. just like the kid mentioned above. and when he contracts it and gets sick, he'll blame everyone else.
    '06 Supra Launch 20SSV-gone but never forgotten

  9. #109
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    SARA Title 3 requires employers notify employees of known hazards, and provide for protections from known hazards. The law requires employers inform the employee, plus provide for PPE and training on the required PPE. This is a federal law, and state law only supersedes this law when it’s requirements exceed that of the federal law. State and federal OSHA are the enforcers of said respiratory protection and hazard notification requirement. Any business operating should have employees informed on the hazards, provided masks, and require there use during the course of work. This is one area of legally enforced mandate.

    And according to tort law, if a business has a known hazard, it has a duty to inform customers and contractors of the hazard, plus provide mitigation to the hazard. It is in a businesses best interest to require masks in this instance.
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  10. #110
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    The hypocrisy of it is what drives me crazy. I’m happy to do my part, and I’m always conservative with masks and distancing. But when leading health organizations and our representatives making these guidelines only follow them when the cameras are on, it’s very frustrating. I’ve witnessed this first hand on several accounts, not just the news. I’m convinced it’s necessary to have some of these restrictions and don’t mind throwing a mask on and keeping my distance, but to hear it used as a political motivator on all accounts at the cost of us citizens is BS.

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