Been an odd season down here in AUS, fires, 43degC days, 12 degC days, rain, hail and blowin a gale.....strange Summer.
Needless to say hadn't got out too much, last weekend was calm for a change and we made it out.
Was able to let the rope go for just over 2mins on several occasions so a big achievement for me, 54yo and 123kgs.
Rear leg thigh and calve muscles are killing me now but hey its work time atm.
Was trying to figure out how to pump the board so when back a bit I can move forward, weigh changes are fine for speeding up and slowing down but my dance moves on the board just don't cut it. Any tips there about getting drive outta the board would be appreciated.
Going to have to loose a bit of weight and work on toning up the leg muscles some more over the looming off season.
Cheers, BruceR Melb AUS.