I have some electrical issues with my 04 Moomba Mobius XLV. Envolving ballast fill & empty, speedo(s), wake plate guage, Nav. Lights, Stereo, and several other things. I have taken it to a dealership and they said they would not work on it cause, the former owner has messed with a bunch of stuff, basically he has jerry rigged all types of elect. connections in the boat. I need a wiring diagram of the entire electrical system of the boat. Including engine, Battery, Charging, Functioning Systems. I basically am going to remove all of the factory wiring in the boat and look over the harness. Simipley fix the harness or order new ones from Skier's Choice. Does any one know where I can get a wiring diagram on the internet or maybe a database I am sure skier's choice has there assembly manules on dvd-rom. If there are any Moomba Tech's on here I surely would appricate it if some one could point me in the right direction.