Hi guys, new to the Moomba family with an '04 Mobius XLV I bought a few weeks ago. I feel like the tower wiggles a lot when going over rough waves/chop. I have read all I could find on here about checking the bolt tightness (but not too tight!), etc., so this is more a question for those other XLV owners out there as to how much wiggle is considered normal? Never had a boat with a tower before so I have no idea if this is totally fine or if I should be worried. Some smallish gelcoat cracks around each tower base as well (looked at those pages on this forum as well, sounds like a quasi-normal/minor thing?).

Items on the tower:
4 MB Quart chrome speakers (factory maybe?) - fairly large, maybe 6-8" in diameter and 8-10" deep
Wakeboard racks on either side with 1 wakeboard in them
Foldable bimini top
Mako light bar

I feel like that weight shouldn't be an issue given that we tow humans from it. Only tow surfing right now too, tubes and skiis go from the pylon.