Just purchased a 2015 moomba mojo surf edition with autoflow. I took it out this weekend and cant seem to get the wake set up right. I think i need more weight in the boat. How should i weight the boat to get the best wake? Also Does anyone know how big the factory ballasts are for front and back? How big should i upgrade the ballasts t0? Thanks
I have a 15 Mojo and have found that with the ballast completely full, (I very upgraded to 1100 rears, the rest same as your boat.) With our setup I have a dual battery setup our coolers and anchors all on our port side so the boat has a slight list. I set the surf tab to 100 and wakeplate to 50% finally this way we have a tall wave, with good length and good push. It's took 3 weeks to get this but it's nice at first I was rethinking the lsv trade but if it only gets better I'm hooked.
2015 Supra SG 450 Fire Red Metallic
Wetsounds and MMATS
2015 Mojo
2014 LSV
2006 Tahoe Q4sf
Did you have any trouble with the 1100 pound bags? I've heard they drowned out the auto flow. Should I go with 900s or the 1100s in your opinion? Also was figment okay? Do you run your front all the way full?
The 1100s fit perfect I mean you could actually put a larger bag in the locker. They fit fine and I don't think you can drown the auto flow now the manual flow on the side of the boat yes but not the auto as it is on the bottom running surface of the boat and it's all about water displacement and convergence of the water behind the boat the more weight more displacement. The more delay the later the convergence takes place the better. I found this to also apply on our lsv with manual flow but it worked on the bottom like the auto flow on all models. The only models that you have to worry about the manual flow the mondo and mojo then yes you can drown them. But the auto personally I would go as large as I can get and fill to your desired level. In our mojo I can fill up the rear lockers and still have room for a tube on each side and what ever else. The new mojo has a ton of freeboard it's a really big boat. If wakemakers ever makes a custom bag to completely fill the mojo locker I will sell my 1100s. Sinker her you will be happy. I run our new mojo completely full of ballast about 3300-3400lbs all hidden ballast but more may come as we keep playing, and auto flow at 100, with wake plate at 50% it really helps the auto flow become more effective it basically makes the tab half the size of the boat. Sorry this is so long.
Last edited by nitrodude24; 05-27-2015 at 08:41 PM.
2015 Supra SG 450 Fire Red Metallic
Wetsounds and MMATS
2015 Mojo
2014 LSV
2006 Tahoe Q4sf
Do you have any pictures of the wake ? just ordered 1100lbs bags for our mojo after reading this . Thanks for your help
The majority of the time it is more surfer tech than wake when it comes to push.
At what weights are people observing the manual flow not working? We run 4000 lbs (900 starboard/offside) and it performs great it both the second and third position. It appears that even more surf side weight makes it even better. I'm not convinced you can drown reg flow.
'06 Outback - Gone but not forgotten
'13 Mojo
I have the 2015 mondo with autoflow and the 2300 upgraded ballast. You will need bow weight but that will bring the weight down.
We have kept the 2300 factory upgrade and have ordered an ACME 2079 heavily ballast prop and ordered 4 bags. 2 275lb bags to throw on each of the bow seats and two 400lb bags. The one 400 will be between the walkthrough to further back depending on surfing to wakeboarding. The other 400 will be on rear floor center or side we are surfing on. If you want a world class wake get the corrct prop and additonal bags. Nothing you can integrate will be enough. It will be awesome but not the best it can be. You can only fit in so much before it has to go on the floor or seats. That goes for any boat. Bottom line. If you have the bodies with, eliminate a bag or all of them. Simple. At least this way you can move them to adjust.
Northern Mondo Owner
2015 with the Auto Flow