I have to admit.... I was cheap. I saw the posts before buying my LSV this winter that talked up the EFI engine. I thought it was not worth the $1,000 or so. Now I am really regretting it.

I have gotten used to having to let the engine warm up before take off. But this weekend I dropped the boat into the water and was driving up to the dock to pick up the rest of the crew. Came up to the dock fairly fast but expected to kick it into reverse and stop short of the dock. The engine died and I hit the dock with an audience. I'm left with a damaged ego and some scratches.

Also, when I shut the engine off after it is warm and mess around getting set up to ski, the engine often won't start again without reving up the engine.

I am bringing the boat in for 20 hour service but not really sure that I have anything to ask service to do related to the engine. Starts fine, runs smooth, and my guess is that both of these problems wouldn't be there with fuel injected. Or, is there some adjustment that can be done to get past this?

For those considering a new boat, my advice is to spring for EFI. I wish that the manufacture wouldn't even have it as an option for tight wads like me to consider.