I sold my 98 Mobius yestarday and today almost bought an 04 XLV (I also almost bought a Mastercraft x-10 but the wake stunk and I ran across an 04 XLV - So much better!!!). Anyways the owner was showing it to me and during test drive it overheated (above 180 degrees for some time). The engine smelled hot and there was a minimal steam. The exhast manifolds where quite hot to touch. When he tried to gas it it would hesitate and stall. We were idleing around for 10 or 15 minutes while he "showed me all the stuff" - balast, stereo wakeplate, etc and maybe that helped cause the overheat . I heard that the indmars may have a governer to limit the damage from heat and not allow acceleration when the engine overheats. I suspect he had a bad impeller or a plug or obstruction as he claims that this has never happened before. Needless to say I did not buy the boat even though it was probably the only XLV in my price range for 500 miles. No alarms went off, but I am afraid that the engine may be damaged because of heat. Should I avoid this boat? He was going to take it to the shop (no Moomba dealer close) and have it looked at with the idea to deliver it to me to buy next week. Is there a govener that shuts down accelleration above certain RPM when engine is running to hot (Bryan Raymond where are you?)? Great looking boat I think what my family needs, I'd love to buy one but should I look elsewhere?