The weather has been unseasonably warm here so we decided to get one last run in for the year. Water was 45 and air was about 40. We got a few funny looks from the fisherman on the lake but it was great.
2021 Craz
2007 Mobius LSV
1997 Sea Ray 190
That is awesome!
I love the snowy mountains in the background.
2015 Moomba Mojo Surf Edition
Manual Flow
Hey, at least you had the water all to yourself. And it looks glassy smooth! Great picture.
Sent from my SM-G781V using Tapatalk
2021 Moomba Makai
Black Cherry Metal Flake & Fire Red
Nibral OJ 15.5x15 Altitude/Wake prop w/1.76 trans v-drive
Wet Sounds bow speakers & 10's on the Tower & ported sub
I was up on the mountains above you doing a different kind of skiing! That is really awesome. There is a guy who waterskis Lake Powell year round. Seems like a good way to stay in shape.
2016 Moomba Mojo Surf Edition
2000 Sharpe Houseboat 70x16 (Lives at Lake Powell)
awesome pic. you are always welcome to come down here and enjoy the almost 70deg days we have had recently
I met this guy a few times in my life. great guy and was one of the main guys in the polar plunge for make a wish. he was a die hard.... definitely missed in the valley....
'06 Supra Launch 20SSV-gone but never forgotten
That's really an awesome feat! I hope he keeps right on going!!
Sent from my SM-G781V using Tapatalk
2021 Moomba Makai
Black Cherry Metal Flake & Fire Red
Nibral OJ 15.5x15 Altitude/Wake prop w/1.76 trans v-drive
Wet Sounds bow speakers & 10's on the Tower & ported sub