Just trying to gage the general interest on a meet and greet with local Moomba owners in Oregon and SW Washington. If there is enough interest we should try and put one together.
2023 Moomba Mojo
2013 Malibu VLX 21 - SOLD
2005 Moomba XLV - SOLD
2001 Supra - SOLD
1998 Master Craft - SOLD
We did this back around 2014 or so, but outside of Facebook, just people from the forum. Had a decent turnout for a first go, I wanna say about a dozen boats. Had a few sponsors throw in drawing giveaways as well. The hard part was finding a spot everyone could get reservations at the same time. We did it at the Prineville OR Reservoir in late August. Campround has a handful of cabins for those non-campers. Used to have pretty predictable weather and awesome water. Unfortunately the private resort/campground/marina out at the point went under a few years ago so gas is now a half hour away and last time I checked the water level is so low that only jet skis could launch and it felt like a quarter mile hike from the day use lot to the water line.
Unfortunately we were also a bit scattered and unorganized for that event. Some showed up a few days early, others a day late. Some had never been there before and took off to explore the area. Other smaller groups planned some tie ups. I don't think we ever got everyone together at the same time, except for when we did the drawings...
I'd be open and willing to help plan if there is enough interest.
So when is this "old enough to know better" supposed to kick in?
2001 MobiusV - Slightly Modified...
I would think (just my opinion). That the 3 best option (in order) would be.
1. Lake Billy Chinook
2. Foster Reservoir
3. Detroit Lake
2023 Moomba Mojo
2013 Malibu VLX 21 - SOLD
2005 Moomba XLV - SOLD
2001 Supra - SOLD
1998 Master Craft - SOLD