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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Horseheads, NY

    Default DIY Perfect Pass GPS Upgrade

    Here is my redneck GPS Perfect Pass upgrade that I did on my 2000 Mobius V. I bought an automotive GPS speedometer sender that puts out 16,000 pulses per mile. Cut the wires off my paddle wheel and spliced them into the GPS sender. However, the paddle wheel puts out a square wave signal with a 17,000 pulses per nautical mile or 19,563 pulse per mile. So the GPS sender puts out a slightly slower signal than the paddle wheel. As a result, the speed shows a few MPH slower than actual. I use a GPS speedometer app on my phone to find my desired speed and then set the perfect pass accordingly. Once you know your pre-set speeds, you’re good to go. For example, I wakeboard at 21.1MPH. To achieve this I have to set my perfect pass at 25.7MPH. Once you set it, it holds the speed right there assuming your perfect pass settings are correct for KDW, NN and SS. I have an old single line perfect pass display that I was able to upgrade to GPS for about $100! The automotive GPS senders have 3 different output pulse settings (4,000/8,000/16,000) you just have to make sure you hook it up to the 16,000 pulse signal. I’ve been using this set up for over a year now with no issues.

    Does it work, yes. Do the gauges show the correct speed, no. But that’s an easy workaround in my opinion…


    2000 Moomba Mobius V

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Vancouver, WA


    Anyone else drive your boat besides you? I'd probably be putting a little decal or something nearby as a reminder. I must be getting old...
    So when is this "old enough to know better" supposed to kick in?

    2001 MobiusV - Slightly Modified...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2020
    Middle Tennessee


    Would be pretty simple to use an arduino with a gps shield to output the correct pulses per second to get the speeds accurate.
    2020 Supra SA

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Horseheads, NY


    The only people driving the boat is myself or the wife lol

    2000 Moomba Mobius V

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