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  1. #1

    Default Boat start up check list

    We recently purchased a used 2015 Moomba Mondo Surf Edition. Our Floe lift is being installed next week. I am working on putting together a start up check list for each time we get in the boat and also a shut down list. Does anyone have lists they use and would be willing to share?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Henderson, NV


    never had a lift so not sure for those that keep on the water all the time.
    for us that trailer to the lake, once boat is pulled out our only checklist is turn off power supply, take home, empty out, clean and wipe down exterior/interior til it shines, back into garage and plug in for the next outing.

    been boating since '07 and have not ever pulled a plug out until end of season cleaning/draining/winterization. some do every trip.
    not sure what else you would be looking for other than make sure you have an onboard charger and plug in after every outing.
    '06 Supra Launch 20SSV-gone but never forgotten

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Ft Gibson Lake OK


    Haven't had one on a lift in a while but here's what we did when it was on the lift.

    Putting it on the lift:
    Pull into the dock, tie off loosely, empty passengers and all the gear which included boards and jackets,booted the bimini, lifted the boat up, while it was lifting hung the jackets and boards on the rack to dry. Once lifted wiped it all down, propped the seats and motor covers open so it would air/dry out. Pulled the center plug, drained it, and put it back in, make sure you put it back in. Turned off batt switch (only do that if your pump will work with the switch off, if not leave it on), pulled the key. Plugged the charger in and slipped the cover on.

    Getting it ready to go:
    Pulled cover off, unplugged charger. Filled it with gas as we used gas jugs. Turned on batt switch and blower, put key in, then opened the valve to let the lift down, and threw the jackets boards in. Once down organized everything and filled it with ice chests gear, raised bimini, then let people climb in.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by RUGER761 View Post
    Haven't had one on a lift in a while but here's what we did when it was on the lift.

    Putting it on the lift:
    Pull into the dock, tie off loosely, empty passengers and all the gear which included boards and jackets,booted the bimini, lifted the boat up, while it was lifting hung the jackets and boards on the rack to dry. Once lifted wiped it all down, propped the seats and motor covers open so it would air/dry out. Pulled the center plug, drained it, and put it back in, make sure you put it back in. Turned off batt switch (only do that if your pump will work with the switch off, if not leave it on), pulled the key. Plugged the charger in and slipped the cover on.

    Getting it ready to go:
    Pulled cover off, unplugged charger. Filled it with gas as we used gas jugs. Turned on batt switch and blower, put key in, then opened the valve to let the lift down, and threw the jackets boards in. Once down organized everything and filled it with ice chests gear, raised bimini, then let people climb in.
    Thank you.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by sandm View Post
    never had a lift so not sure for those that keep on the water all the time.
    for us that trailer to the lake, once boat is pulled out our only checklist is turn off power supply, take home, empty out, clean and wipe down exterior/interior til it shines, back into garage and plug in for the next outing.

    been boating since '07 and have not ever pulled a plug out until end of season cleaning/draining/winterization. some do every trip.
    not sure what else you would be looking for other than make sure you have an onboard charger and plug in after every outing.
    Thank you and good luck in your next big adventure beyond boating Sandm.

  6. #6


    Sandm, what are the best products for boat upkeep you have used since 2007? thx, david

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Henderson, NV


    lots of opinions on that one..

    we use meguires quick detailer after every trip and wax once in the fall and once mid year again with meguires. interior has only ever been babes or 303. we use malco cleaner for tough stains when we have had them BUT malco strips the uv so you have to apply babes/303 after cleaning a stain.

    I ended up with a bottle of speed gloss from boat candy a few years ago. guy in WI turned me onto it and kept his boat looking good. it works well but honestly I'm not disciplined enough to buy it ahead of time. easier to pick up meguires when doing our weekly grocery shopping at walmart and I don't really see a difference.

    tons of the guys use hula and hot sauce/boat bling/etc. Rc's boat always looked amazing in the pics so sure it works well but never used any.
    '06 Supra Launch 20SSV-gone but never forgotten

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