I need some help. I need a set (male/female) of cabin speaker quick-disconnects. The previous owner had audio work done and I have spent the last 2 weekend cleaning it up. Anyway, they cut the connectors off and I would rather restore them and use the factory wiring then try to replace everything.
Any idea where I can purchase? What they are called?
Audio connector.jpg
2015 Moomba Mojo Surf Edition
Manual Flow
I think its a Molex MLX series. However, if you are going to go through that much effort, why not just source one of the number of weather-seal type connectors and pins. You just need one thats got the correct number or more, of cavities.
For whats its worth, that connector is there so it only takes the builder putting in the stereo head, 2 seconds to plug it up, rather then 20 minutes to splice and heat shrink the wire ends. Honestly, it serves no other purpose. The conventional think is, once in stalled, theres no need for frequent removal, so the connector is not for that. Any replacement down the road, will not have this connector........
Thanks for the info.
My thought was actually to return the harnesses back to original so I could just unplug the radio and then plug everything together to get to my amps. Then use the new harnesses to plug into the factory ones and give myself new leads to wire to the 4-channel amp. The bows were not included with the boat, so adding them I would use a harness plug to use the factory wiring. Not cutting the tower wires, is the other harness.
However, after looking at how big of a PITA it is going to be to buy the connectors and pins all separate, your way is going to be a better option. Looks like t-taps are the way to go or just cut and splice longer wires to reach my amps.
2015 Moomba Mojo Surf Edition
Manual Flow